Author: Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik is the founder of Edulize and Specialist in enlightening the latest education tips, learning tips and reviews, news to the world and community built around the

Verbal communication, an indispensable skill in personal and professional realms, is dominant in forging meaningful connections. The art of effectively conveying thoughts, ideas, and emotions through spoken words facilitates comprehension and nurtures robust relationships. Whether mastering communication for job interviews, public speaking engagements, or day-to-day conversations, implementing diverse strategies can augment one’s verbal communication prowess. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore an array of practical and actionable techniques that can propel you toward becoming an extraordinary verbal communicator. What is Verbal Communication? Verbal communication involves the use of spoken words to convey messages effectively. It incorporates…

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Factle is a new word-guessing game for students of all ages. It is a fun and challenging way to improve your vocabulary skills. You give a list of words and must guess the correct definition for each. The game play by typing in your guesses one letter at a time. If you think correctly, the Word will reveal and added to your score. If you guess incorrectly, the answers will tell and cross out from the list. Can you think of all the definitions? Try it! How to Play Factle? Factle is a fun and engaging word-guessing game perfect for…

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This article will focus on how to develop a Growth Mindset in education. This is a belief that abilities, talents, and intelligence can be acquired through dedication and hard work. It encourages individuals to embrace challenges and learn from mistakes instead of viewing them as obstacles or failures. With a growth mindset, learners strive to develop their skills and knowledge, not just to achieve success or recognition. What is Growth Mindset? A growth mindset is a psychological concept that emphasizes an individual’s belief in their ability to improve and develop through hard work, dedication, and persistence. It is based on…

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Learning disability in children is a condition where learners have difficulty with specific skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic, or reasoning. It can affect children of all ages and performance levels; however, they can often be managed with appropriate intervention and support. Make it difficult for children to understand and process information, leading to poor academic performance and social issues. It can be overcome through early diagnosis, specialized instruction, and concerted efforts on the part of parents, teachers, and other professionals to ensure that children with learning disabilities are given the support they need to develop skills and reach their…

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Parabola is one of the most popular concepts that is taught to students. Students of maths have to suffer much for solving the equations and expressions. They suffer from difficulties and challenges while doing so. It is optimally important to practice more and more in order to get a better grip on the concepts. They feel very stressed to solve it, especially because it is not a linear one. Hence, the calculation of it becomes a bit difficult for them. The Parabola equation calculator instantly finds out the distance between two points on the curve with super ease. In this guide,…

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Motivate the child to study. Because some children do not study well from birth. Personality plays an important role in the education of kids. Most outstanding children must become outstanding at some point. You have to see the skills of the kids and also have to motivate them. It can help them to become good students. Restriction is one of the big mistakes that parents and teachers are making nowadays when developing students are performing well in school. The classroom is the main source of learning, social and schooling growth given to the students. How to Motivate Child to Study…

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Everybody desires to have a job they like. But what if you can turn your passion into a real job? This sounds great to be perfect, but with so many assets available today, it is completely possible to make it your preferred hobby. Passionate about sustainable and profitable careers. Recreational and portfolio professions are becoming gently common, and many women consider them to check the possibility of occupation changes. First, you need to carefully define your interests and research. Before entering the entrepreneurial world, you should understand the risks associated with your hobbies. It takes a lot of hard work…

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Being a parent means you have a lot of responsibility when it comes to caring for your child and ensuring they have the right tools and environment to flourish into a successful adult. Yet this can put an intense amount of pressure on you as you try to find the best ways to provide your child with a happy and stable upbringing that can help them develop into their best self. While you should remember that you can only do as much as you can and that you should not push yourself or your child too far (refrain from being…

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How an effective learning environment looks is a very common question and a very helpful method in learning. The productivity of a person is directly related to his environment no matter what task he is performing. In the case of learning, the surrounding must be organized and inspiring in a way to generate interest in reading and accepting something new. Here are some of the innovative ideas to make any environment more effective while learning; Arranged surroundings This is a major contributing factor while memorizing anything.  Disorganized things around can make the internal image of the mind rough and it…

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Do you know why most students perform well in class while some find it hard to secure good grades? Habits are the differentiator between successful and failed students. Every student can build and improve good habits and perform well in their studies. No matter how hard you study and complete your assignments, your habits decide your success and failure in the final exams. In this blog post, there are some of the best habits of successful students that you can build and implement with a bit of practice. Successful Students are Well-organised and Make Plans Whether you are completing a…

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