73147 Education – The Great Guide to Education

    73147 Education

    Understanding the educational system according to regions is a new yet useful technique. It can be done in many ways. One of them is understanding with the help of the ZIP code. That’s what the term 73147 Education indicates.

    It is used to explain the educational infrastructure of and around an area with the ZIP code of 73147.

    Oklahoma’s educational system isn’t performing very well. This term can be helpful in understanding it deeply. It’s a very vast term and a lot of things come under its umbrella.

    Today’s guide blog is going to explore the 73147 Education term in a comprehensive way. We’re going to provide valuable insights into the education system of this area. So, keep on reading to find out. Let’s begin.

    What is 73147 Education?

    The term 73147 Education is used to explain the situation and infrastructure of the area of ZIP code 73147. This ZIP code belongs to a certain part of Oklahoma City which has the 22nd largest school system in the United States.

    73147 Education

    The city has over 500 public school districts overall that are providing a decent education to their students.  

    Since the ZIP code area 73147 is very large to cover as regards of education system, we’re going to discuss it as a whole for your better understanding. However, we will discuss some of the best school districts in this area and what type of education they are providing.

    But first, let’s take a look at the benefits of understanding the 73147 Education.

    The Benefits of Understanding 73147 Education:

    The benefits of understanding the 73147 Education are listed below:

    • It can help you understand the overall quality and structure of education as a citizen of Oklahoma City.
    • Critically overviewing this system can help the community of this area make improvements in the education system.
    • Understanding this term as a parent can help you make better decisions for your child’s education if you live in this area.

    These are some basic benefits of understanding 73147 Education. So, what actually comes under the tent of this term? Let’s try to break it down into different factors.

    Overview of the Education System of 73147 ZIP Code Area:

    Before we begin to discuss this topic deeply, let’s discuss an overview of the 73147 Education system of the mentioned area.

    Well, we cannot say that it is one of the most efficient education systems there is. Although we mentioned that it is ranked number 22 in the largest school systems on the United States list, things are not as good as they may appear.

    That is because these lists are declared keeping different factors in consideration. From one angle, the system looks good and from another angle, it can be awful. Take a look at this report, for example, which says:

    Oklahoma’s public school system is ranked the second worst in the country.

     So, you can say that the education system in this area is struggling. And there are several reasons for that.

    Why 73147 Education System is Struggling?

    There are several reasons why the 73147 Education system is struggling in the City of Oklahoma. The major ones are:

    Low Funding:

    This decline in the education system is also due to low per-student funding. Since the number of students is increasing day by day, the low funding has resulted in low educational resources.

    Shortage of New Teachers:

    The Oklahoma public school system is facing a considerable shortage of new teachers. The major reason for this shortage is the retirement of old teachers. Some teachers are also leaving the profession which has left the system short by 4,000 teachers.

    The gap in Student Equity:

    The equity gap in the school systems of Oklahoma seems to be high. This indicates that students from different religions and races are not being given equal learning opportunities. This gap creates a disturbance in the overall education system.

    Constant Change in Policies:

    The education policies of the 73147 Education area keep on changing constantly. This causes a distraction in the learning process of students and they may lose interest in their studies. This may also be the reason for this underperformance.

    Although this education seems to be struggling, there are still some good school districts that are providing quality education in Oklahoma.

    Best School Districts of 73147 Education Area:

    The details of the best school districts in the 73147 Education area are discussed below:

    Mustang Public Schools:

    This is one of the best-ranked school districts in the area. It has over 3,000 students. Students of pre-kindergarten to 12th grade are getting quality education in it. That is due to their experienced teachers and an advanced teaching system.

    Its educational programs include gifted and talented programs, special education services, etc.

    Yukon Public Schools: 

    The Yukon Public Schools system was founded in 1891. This school system is responsible for educating over 9,000 students.

    It has a diverse curriculum system. Some of its programs are AP courses and dual enrollment opportunities.

    Oklahoma City Public Schools:

    Oklahoma City Public Schools is the largest school district in this area. It has a graduation rate of this school is 84.80%. It is also offering several educational programs to make the system better.

    In simple words, the education system of the 73147 Education area is not all dead. It has still some quality school systems that serve a large number of students.

    Solutions for Improving 73147 Education:

    Here are the details of these solutions:

    • An increase in the funding should be applied. The administration has to figure out different ways to do that.
    • The salaries of teachers should be high enough to attract young people. This can help overcome the shortage of teachers the city is facing.
    • An equal opportunity for learning should be given to students related to all races and religions.
    • The government should involve a lot more in order to maintain the educational affairs of this system.

    These are some major things that can be done in order to revive the system of the 7314 Education area.


    To conclude everything, the term 73147 Education is vast and covers the situation of the education system of the area of ZIP code 73147. This code belongs to a major part of Oklahoma City.

    The overall school system of this area is struggling due to several reasons including low funding and teacher shortage. However, there are still some schools that are offering quality education. The challenges faced by this education system can be avoided with the help of some solutions. Their details are given above.


    Is the educational system of Oklahoma declining?

    We can’t use the word decline here. That is because even if there are some problems in the system, it is not declining completely.

    How is the term 73147 Education is being helpful?

    This term is being helpful by giving a new approach to analyzing the education system of Oklahoma.

    What is the best public school in Oklahoma?

    There are several public schools that come under the tent of “the best”. They include Yukon, Mustang, and Oklahoma public schools. Their details are discussed in the blog.

    Is the national ranking of the schools in this area good?

    The national ranking of the schools in this area is very average.


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