AI Content Creation Mistakes for Academic Content

    AI Content Creation Mistakes for Academic Content

    AI (artificial intelligence) is bringing transformation in every skill, whether it is designing, developing, or other fields of life. Moreover, it made a huge and notable change in all types of writing, especially academic. Plenty of people are taking help from different AI writing tools to write their academic papers. The most notable writing tools are ChatGPT, Copy.AI, Jasper, etc.

    However, while taking data for their assignments from these writing tools, students make some major mistakes. When teachers notice these mistakes, they ask for the re-submission of the assignment instead of approving and appreciating the student. 

    10 AI Content Creation Mistakes to Avoid 

    If you’ve generated content for your academic paper using an AI tool but it didn’t get approved, it means there may be some mistakes in your content. So, to inform you about these mistakes and help you avoid them, all of the major AI content creation mistakes are mentioned below:

    No Facts Mentioned 

    It would be a major mistake to rely completely on an AI tool to generate content without human interference. Sometimes, an AI tool, especially ChatGPT, generates facts whose resources you won’t find anywhere. 

    When you add these facts and figures to your assignment without resources, you won’t get approval from your instructor. So, make sure to add authentic and reliable resources in case you take facts or figures from an AI tool. Don’t include the information if it is quoted from a marketing, low DA website since these sites often mention wrong information as well. 

    Over-Reliance on AI-Generated Content 

    AI is a tool, not a human. It can enhance human capabilities but can’t surpass humans. Neither AI can understand the emotions nor it can grasp the contextual and cultural meanings of some words. So, relying solely on an AI tool for writing academic content will not let you achieve the desired results. 

    So, if there are such types of tasks that include data processing and feedback provision, you can use AI. However, relying on AI to write academic papers based on critical points of view will be a blunder that won’t let you obtain good grades from your instructor. So, if academic assignments require problem-solving skills, inquiry, and innovation, you mustn’t use an AI tool. 

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    No Proofreading & Editing of the Content

    It’s critical to proofread and edit the human content. Then, why not apply the same approach to AI-generated content? Many students leave the whole assignment to proofread after reading a few first passages of a paper, which is a wrong approach. 

    You must carefully read the complete content taken from an AI tool. If facts and figures are mentioned from an unreliable resource, remove them immediately. Also, look for words that have different contextual meanings. Using the Grammarly extension to remove grammatical and spelling errors will save you time. Once you’ve properly proofread and edited your assignment, feel free to submit it to your teacher. 

    Ignoring Cultural Sensitivity in AI Content

    Since an AI tool isn’t a human, it can’t understand your cultural, religious and institutional values and disciplines. Thereby, there are chances that it can create content that will promote prejudice, stereotypes and gender discrimination.

    As you know, an AI tool takes data from already available resources, so it can create biased data. Research by Bloomberg expressed that when it is prompted to use Stable Diffusion (an image creator tool) to create templates for hiring. It creates all templates based on white men and women for high-paying jobs. 

    On the contrary, it created job templates based on black people for low-paying jobs. This approach increases racial discrimination in society. So, a teacher/student must consider these points before taking content from an AI tool. 

    Ignoring Content Originality & Ideas Repetition

    As discussed earlier, an AI tool takes data from already available resources, so sometimes it doesn’t properly paraphrase the content. As a result, plagiarism is often found in the content taken from an AI tool. 

    In case you don’t check the content through a reliable plagiarism checker tool, your teacher will find plagiarism content in your assignment and ask for a resubmission. So, checking your academic paper using 2-3 plagiarism checkers is recommended to ensure its originality. 

    Ideas repetition is a severe issue found in AI content. However, most students either don’t know this issue or completely ignore it. Consequently, an instructor doesn’t find their assignment good. Due to a lack of information, an AI tool often mentions the same idea in an article using different words that completely reduce the assignment’s uniqueness. 

    Selecting the Wrong AI Tool

    Multiple AI tools are available for academic content. Each has its unique features. For instance, one is well-working, the other is all-around made and easy to use, and the third one fits different learning objectives and purposes.

    In this way, specialists suggest being super cautious before choosing an AI tool for educational content creation. You might utilize a demo variant of an AI tool and select it once you track down one that meets your requirements.

    So a few elements are referenced below you need to consider before utilizing an AI tool for educational content:

    • Education Objectives: Why is your educational goal you want to achieve using an AI tool? How can a specific AI tool help you gain your specific objective? 
    • Evaluation & Facts: Is the data provided by an AI tool reliable? Is it mentioning authentic resources? Does it provide relevant facts, figures, and data about your assignment topic? 
    • Cultural and Social Norms: Does the AI tool’s information suit your cultural norms and values? Do you ensure that the AI tool provides you with authentic, transparent information as per your cultural rights and values? 

    Final Words

    Since AI is neither human nor it can supplant the human, it can commit significant errors in its created content. There are a lot of problems with AI-generated content, from spelling and grammar mistakes to incorrect context and ideas being repeated. So, editing and altering the substance appropriately taken from an artificial intelligence device is recommended.


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